Grounded Life

Grounded Life
Monday of Holy Week – April 6, 2020

The heart of spirituality is attentiveness and awareness. These are the attributes most of us need to develop in order to live more deeply, in a more grounded way.

Those qualities are needed more today than ever. The entire world is in a panic. Fear is common. Love is emerging slowly.

The world needs persons who not only follow local, state, and national mandates, but even more, persons who are attentive and aware, persons who are alert to the underground movements of God in the midst of the threats that surround us.

The world needs persons who are tethered to God with a bond that cannot be broken. The world needs persons who are centered and anchored.

Read this excerpt from Brother Lawrence for our reading today.

In the beginning, Brother Lawrence declared that a little effort was needed to form the habit of continuously conversing with God, telling Him everything that was happening. But after a little careful practice, God’s love refreshed him, and it all became quite easy.

Whenever he considered doing some good deed, he always consulted God about it, saying, “Lord, I will never be able to do that if You don’t help me.” Immediately he would be given more than enough strength.

When he sinned, he confessed it to God with these words; “I can do nothing better without You. Please keep me from falling and correct the mistakes I make.” After that he did not feel guilty about the sin.

[Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, (Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, 1982).]

For Reflection:

o Check in today with yourself. How are you feeling about your situation and what is going on the world right now? Be honest with yourself.

o Ask God to help you be attentive and aware today of whatever you need to see. Your prayer might be something like, “God, give me eyes to see what I need to see.”

o Paul in 1 Thess. 5:17 encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” Continual conversation with God is impossible. Paul must mean something other than talking to God 24/7.

o Can I believe that my awareness is prayer? Can I believe that my very breathing is an act of prayer?


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