Thursday of the Third Week of Lent - March 15, 2012

Luke 11:14

After the demon had gone out, the man started speaking, and the crowds were amazed.

In this longer passage (Lk. 11:14 - 23), I notice this first verse and the amazement of the crowds at this miracle. What caused them to be amazed? Why did this miracle do it for them, when many other things had gone unnoticed to that point?

As humans, we are so accustomed to not seeing, that when we finally do see, it seems amazing. We become acclimated to the darkness, so that seeing the little-bit offered in darkness seems like full sight. When the fullness of light, then, does shine, it can be overwhelming and blinding.

I believe that for the person who can see, who has eyes to see and ears to hear, these kinds of miracles are happening all the time. In fact, they are such "ordinary miracles" that they may defy classification as miracles. Once we begin to see them, once we start to notice the ways the Holy is woven through the fabric of everyday life, they seem commonplace and ordinary.

For the person with eyes to see and ears to hear the deeper resonances of God's Spirit pulsing through all things, a mute person speaking is an everyday happening.

For today . . . be intentional today about seeing and hearing in your everyday life. Intend to notice sights and sounds. There will be many things in your life-world that are there every day, but in your hurry and preoccupation, you miss them. Slow down enough today to notice what is around you.


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