Thursday after Ash Wednesday -- February 23, 2012

Luke 9:24a

If you want to save your life, you will destroy it.

"Life" in this passage is "soul," and the human soul is made for expansiveness . . . made to soar . . . made to express itself in creativity. The soul resists being locked up or squeezed.

To confine the human soul is to sap the life out of it; therefore, the self-protective person, living tightly and closed in on himself/herself, will not be a person who lives with soul.

Notice two things today. First, if you spend time in a small room, an office, or a cubicle, notice how it feels to be in a confined space. Then find a way to spend some time in an open space, perhaps by taking a walk outside, going to a park, or just sitting under a tree.

Spend some time reflecting on the two experiences. How did they feel in relationship to one another? In which setting did you feel yourself more creative? Did you sense yourself to be more alive in one than the other? Let God teach you through these experiences.


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