Wednesday of the First Week of Lent - February 29, 2012
Luke 11:30 He [Jonah] was a sign from God to the people of Nineveh. In the same way, the Son of Man will be a sign from God to the people of today. For each of us, someone in our life-world is a sign of the generous presence of God, a sign that life can move toward a more integrated wholeness day by day. Most likely, the person or persons who came to your mind just now are not famous. They probably have a very limited platform. They are not widely known, not familiar household names. They do not pastor churches or serve on church staffs. They are not politicians or business executives . . . not extraordinarily powerful or among the highly educated. They are rather anonymous, quietly living in the peace and mercy of God. They avail themselves of the work of God's Spirit. They are slowly finding a new center for their work and relationships. They are generous with what they have and are learning not to continually clamor for more. They are quiet saints who are everyday si...